Forehead Reduction
Dr. Jeffrey Jumaily is one of the premier specialists in the forehead reduction procedure. If you feel like the forehead is too high or too large, you should see an expert to determine if this procedure is a good fit for you. Dr. Jumaily is one of the top forehead surgeons in Beverly Hills and would be happy to see you in consultation.
What is Forehead Reduction?
This procedure has many names such as forehead reduction, hairline lowering, hairline advancement, or scalp advancement. There are many patients who seek treatment for high foreheads. Most often this is a genetic trait and less commonly due to hair loss.
A beautiful face should display balance and harmony. If an upper third of the face, which is the forehead, is too long/ too high or too large it can disrupt this harmony. Therefore, patients with high foreheads can benefit from forehead shortening and can be offered a forehead reduction procedure.
The Forehead Reduction Procedure
In this procedure, the excess forehead skin is removed and the hairline is advanced to a more forward position. This can be combined with brow elevation (brow lift) if needed. The incision is hidden in the hairline and becomes almost invisible after it heals. The incision is designed in a special way to let the hair grow through the incision after surgery to hide it even further. The amount of advancement is determined after careful analysis of the forehead, the hairline, the brow, hair loss (if any) among many other factors. The location and design of the incision, degree of advancement, the shape of the new hairline are some of the factors that differentiate average results from GREAT results. Dr. Jumaily had specialized training in this specific procedure and has performed numerous forehead reduction procedures.
Forehead Reduction Recovery and Results
The recovery period for forehead reduction surgery is relatively easy for most patients. There will be some swelling and bruising around the eyes that will subside over the course of your recovery. After around one month of recovery, no there should be no visible signs of surgery around the area. The results of your forehead reduction in Beverly Hills should look incredibly natural. Extreme care and precision are used to ensure the hairline retains a natural appearance.
Choosing the Right Surgeon
Dr. Jeff Jumaily is a fellowship-trained and board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon. Dr. Jumaily is one of few surgeons in North America with expertise in forehead and hairline cosmetic surgery. During the consultation prior to surgery, Dr. Jumaily will determine how much reduction is possible to achieve effective and natural results. Dr. Jumaily can also go over the expected cost of your forehead reduction in Beverly Hills and let you know about the payment options available to you.
Schedule a Consultation Today
If you have any questions about the forehead reduction procedure and would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Jumaily, please call 310-285-0929 or email and we would be happy to help you. Dr. Jumaily strives to provide all of our patients with beautiful results from their forehead reduction in Beverly Hills.
Are there any Non Surgical Options For Forehead Reduction?
Unfortunately, there is no non surgical options to reduce the length of the forehead. The only two methods that are available are hair transplantation and hairline advancement. -
Is it possible to treat a High and Wide Forehead with forehead reduction?
For patients with a high and wide forehead, it is possible to perform a scalp advancement to bring the hairline forward. The degree of advancement will depend on laxity and your goals. -
How Much Does Forehead Reduction Surgery Cost?
This is really dependent on the complexity of the case, the amount of advancement needed, and other patient factors. The costs vary roughly from 8000-11000 depending on the case and location. The exact price is determined after consultation with Dr. Jumaily and can be more or less than that range. -
Can I Get a procedure to Flatten my Forehead?
A scalp advancement procedure can be done to advance your hairline forward to reduce the length of the forehead. Through the same incision the frontal bone (bone above your eyes) can be accessed. There are two components to this, the bulge under the brows (seen in men) and the curvature of the forehead. The brow bone can be reduced via a special procedure to open up the sinus and set back the bone. The curvature of the forehead bone can be changed slightly but no significantly depending on the patient’s goals and bone thickness. -
What is the Brow Bone Reduction Procedure?
The brow bone reduction surgery refers to a procedure to reduce or flatten the bulge of bone at the level of the eyebrows. The bulge is usually more prominent in men and is a feature of masculinity. Patients without this bulge are thought to be more attractive and feminine. The frontal sinus (one of the nasal sinuses) is usually under the bulge but this is variable among people. The bone is exposed through an incision in the hairline. Using special techniques and instruments, this bone is lifted from the sinus. The bone is drilled and modified and placed back in a flatter position. It secured in place with small (and very thin) titanium plates. The plates are not visible and this procedure does not cause any sinus disease. -
How much does the Brow Bone Reduction Procedure Cost?
The cost varies depending on the complexity of the case and what other procedures are being done at the same time. The exact cost is determined after a discussion and consultation. -
Am I a Candidate for Forehead Reduction Procedure?
Patients who are good candidates for hairline advancement are patients who have a high forehead that they dislike. Patients, mostly males, who anticipate hair loss are not good candidates for this because the incision will be more visible if the hairline is lost. Patients who have medical problems, unrealistic expectations, history of poor scarring are also cautioned. -
Does Forehead Reduction/hairline Lowering Look Natural?
Hairline advancement procedure usually results in a natural hairline if the incision is planned and procedure is performed correctly. Thick hair will hide the incision better, but the incision is generally hard to see even in thinner hair. Hair transplant is an option if you decide to go that route. The transplanted hair density may not be as thick as your natural hairline but it’s a reasonable option. -
Is Forehead Reduction Possible for Extreme Brow Bone Protrusion?
The brow bone reduction surgery refers to a procedure to reduce or flatten the bulge of bone at the level of the eyebrows. The bulge is usually more prominent in men and is a feature of masculinity. Patients without this bulge are thought to be more attractive and feminine. The frontal sinus (one of the nasal sinuses) is usually under the bulge but this is variable among people. The bone is exposed through an incision in the hairline. Using special techniques and instruments, this bone is lifted from the sinus. The bone is drilled and modified and placed back in a flatter position. It secured in place with small (and very thin) titanium plates. The plates are not visible and this procedure does not cause any sinus disease. -
What is the Recovery after forehead reduction?
Recovery from forehead reduction is actually relatively easy. you will have sutures that need to be removed at approx 1 week. There may be some swelling and bruising around the eyes which usually resolves by 7-10 days. At one month, signs of surgery will not be noticeable. The incision will still be healing and may look like a fine red line but usually not that visible if done properly. Most patients that we see from out of town, come in for their surgery, stay for a few days then fly home without any problems. Follow up can be done via Skype, photos, or phone conversations -
I am considering a brow bone reduction. How common is hair loss and scar widening on coronal incisions?
Brow bone reduction can be done via a variety of incisions including coronal and trichophytic incisions. Choice of incision will depend on several factors. Either way, if done well, the incisions will heal as a fine white line and hidden by the hair. Of course there is a risk of the scar being too wide or hair loss especially if not done carefully.