One of the best things about facial fillers is that they can
provide you with a realistic preview of the potential results of a permanent
surgical procedure. Take cheek implants, for example. Many people may be
unhappy with the hollowed appearance of their cheeks but may also be worried
that cheek implants will not provide them with the results they want.

A lack of cheek volume can be addressed using dermal fillers. The injection
process is very quick, requires only a short amount of downtime, and offers
results that last for up to six months. During these six months, you can get a
feel for how you may look with cheek implants. If you are satisfied with your
results, you can come in for your cheek implants at a later date.

Contact our office to schedule a consultation for your cheek augmentation procedure with facial plastic surgeon Dr. Jeff Jumaily. He can help you find out if cheek implants are right for you.